Who is Gregorian Bivolaru >>> Published Works of Gregorian Bivolaru
1. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), Mini-Encyclopedia of Romanian Naturalist Medicine, Bucharest, Ram Publishing House, 1994, 425 Pages.
2. Gregorian Bivolaru (Translation and adaptation), Autobiography of a Yogi (by Paramahamsa Yogananda), Bucharest, Ram Publishing House, 1994, 447 Pages.
3. Gregorian Bivolaru (Preface), The Practice of Meditation (by Swami Shivananda), Bucharest, Kubera Publishing House, 1994, 302 Pages.
4. Gregorian Bivolaru (Glossary), Spirituality and the Secret Languages (by Mircea Eliade), Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 1995, 192 Pages.
5. Gregorian Bivolaru and Viorel Rosu (Authors), Ways and Techniques of Spirirual Evolution, Bucharest, Ananda Publishing House, 1995, 352 Pages.
6. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Secret of the Extraordinary Therapies with Ozone and Oxygen, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 1997, 76 Pages.
7. Gregorian Bivolaru (Preface), The Secret of the Astral Worlds. Extraordinary Revelations After 12 Years of Conscious Astral Voyages in the Invisible Worlds, (by Yram), Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 1998, 128 Pages.
8. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Book of Mysteries –An Anthology of Strange Events, Shambala Publishing House, 1999, 280 Pages.
9. Gregorian Bivolaru (Final revision of the translation), The Revealed Mystery of the Three Days Spent by Jesus in The Temple (by Jacob Lorber), Bucharest, Shambala and Deceneu Publishing House, 1999, 126 Pages.
10. Gregorian Bivolaru (Final revision of the translation), The Voice of the Master (by Khalil Gibran), Bucharest , Shambala Publishing House, 1999, 95 Pages.
11. Gregorian Bivolaru (final revision), “The Initiating School of Dreams ” (by Dan Oleg), in The Program of the Spiritual Yoga Camp - Costinesti 1999 , Shambala Publishing House, 1999, Pages 3 to 124.
12. Gregorian Bivolaru (Final revision), “Balayogi. The Mysterious Alchemy ofSilence”, in The Program of the Spiritual YogaCamp Costinesti 1999 , Shambala Publishing House, 1999, Pages 125 to 177.
13. Gregorian Bivolaru, (Preface), The Power of Thought (by Swami Shivananda), Bucharest, Deceneu Publishing House, 1999, 99 Pages.
14. Gregorian Bivolaru (Introduction and Glossary), Damar Tantra: The Fundamental Sanskrit Text Regarding The Secret Virtues of Urine. (Romanian-Sanskrit Text), Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 1999, 124 Pages.
15. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Guide of the Effects of the Common Food Additives , Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2000, 224 Pages.
16. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Art of Lovemaking in the Orient, Bucharest, Anandakali Publishing House, 2000, 140 Pages.
17. Gregorian Bivolaru, (Translation and adaptation), The Great Gospel of St. John Revealed to Jacob Lorber by God , Volume I (by Jacob Lorber), Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2000, 272 Pages.
18. Gregorian Bivolaru, (Preface, glossary, and final revision of the translation), The Fascinating Mysteries of Heliotherapy. Health and Divine Energy Captured through Exposure to Sunlight . (By Jacob Lorber), Shambala Publishing House, 2000, 144 Pages.
19. Gregorian Bivolaru, (Preface, translation and adaptation), The Ultra-Secret Operation “The Trojan Horse”. A Document of An Inestimable Value for the Whole Humanity (by Richard Gleen), Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2000, 80 Pages.
20. Gregorian Bivolaru (Preface and glossary), The Survival of The Soul and its Evolution After Passing in the World Beyond. (by Pierre Cornillier), Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2000, 200 Pages.
21. Gregorian Bivolaru (Preface), Tantra Yoga. The Secret Ways of Erotic Ecstasy. (by Dr. Mihaela Ambarus, Gabriela Ambarus), Bucharest, Sapientia Publishing House, 2000, 222 Pages.
22. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Therapy with Colours – Health and Inner Harmony with the Help of Colours, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2001, 96 Pages.
23. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Mystery of Menstruation. the Physiological Enigma of Women . Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2001, 304 Pages.
24. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), Yin-Yang Secrets and Recipes, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2001, 320 Pages.
25. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Encyclopedia of Natural Aphrodisiacs , Volume 1, “Steaua Divina” Collection, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2001, 267 Pages + XXXVI Illustrations.
26. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Encyclopedia of Natural Aphrodisiacs, Volume 2, “Steaua Divina” Collection, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2001, 292 Pages.
27. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), Nutrition and Natural Therapy with Cereals, Bucharest, Dakini Publishing House, 2001, 200 Pages.
28. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), How We Can Communicate within Ourselves with the Divine , Copenhagen, NATHA, 2001, 26 Pages.
29. Gregorian Bivolaru (introductory chapter), The Male Multiple Orgasm – Sexual Secrets that Every Man Should Know (by Mantak Chia, Douglas Abraham Araya), Bucharest.
30. Gregorian Bivolaru (Translation and adaptation), The Great Gospel of St. John Revealed to Jacob Lorber by God , Volume 2, (by Jacob Lorber), Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2002, 283 Pages.
31. Gregorian Bivolaru, Andrei Gamulea and Aurora Nicolae (Authors), Great Initiates of the Ayurvedic Tradition, Volume 1: The Divine Tradition , Spirituality Collection, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2002, 223 Pages.
32. Gregorian Bivolaru (Introduction and Afteword), The Miracles of Syncronicity, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2002, 206 Pages.
33. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Naturist Encyclopedia of Vitamins, “Stea ua Divina” Unique Collection, Shambala Publishing House, 2003, 348 Pages.
34. Gregorian Bivolaru (Translation and adaptation), The Great Gospel of St. John Revealed to Jacob Lorber by God, Volume 3, (by Jacob Lorber), Spirituality Collection, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2003, 283 Pages.
35. Gregorian Bivolaru (Translation and adaptation), The Great Gospel of St. John Reveled to Jacob Lorber by God, Volume 4, (by Jacob Lorber), Spirituality Collection, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2003, 263 Pages.
36. Gregorian Bivolaru (Translation), “Bathed in Divine Light” (by Betty J. Eadie), in The Booklet of The Yoga Spiritual Camp Costinesti 2003 .
37. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), The Golden Number. The Revealed Mysteries of the Mysterious Golden Number of the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Sundari , Volume 1, Sacred Science Collection, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2003, 200 Pages.
1. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Parapsychology. When Scientists Become Wise”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 2, 1995, Page 14-15
2. Gregorian Bivolaru, "In reality, who are we? A short history of science.” in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 3, Page 2-3and 34-35
3. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Enigmatic Frontiers of Science. Big Bang”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 4, Page 4-6
4. Gregorian Bivolaru, "This Enigmatic Universe...”(Editorial), in Mysteries' Magazine , Nr. 5, Pages 2 and 35
5. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Parapsychology. The Mysteries of The Morph genetic Theory (I)”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 6, Page 4-6
6. Gregorian Bivolaru, “Parapsychology. The Mysteries of The Morph genetic Theory (II)”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 7, Page4-5
7. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Animals that Heal. Some mysterious aspects of the animals we live together with”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 7, Page32-33
8. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Spirit of Initiation”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 8, Page26-27
9. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Scientific Spirit”, in Mysteries' Magazine r Nr. 9, Page4
10. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Animals that Heal”, in Mysteries' Magazine , Nr. 9, Page10-11
11. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The beneficial influence of animals in schools”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 9, Page 12
12. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Occult Science. A meditation on the atom”, in Mysteries' Magazine , Nr. 10, Page4-5
13. Gregorian Bivolaru,"Spirituality. What does the profound meditation on the universe reveal to the advanced yogi”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 19, Page10-13
14. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spirituality. The mystical perception of the sounds and hyperspace”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 20, Page 10-13
15. Gregorian Bivolaru, “Parapsychology. The Mysterious Paradox of Synchronicity” in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 21, Page 10-13
16. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Parapsychology. The Lucid Dream”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 23, Year III, 1999, Page 5-6
17. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spirituality. Mystical Experiences: Guiding Signs”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 23, Year III, 1999, Page 14-15
18. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Enigmas. Archeological Discoveries through Spirits”, in Mysteries' Magazine , Year III, Nr.23, 1999, Page 26-27
19. Gregorian Bivolaru,"Enigmas”, in Mysteries' Magazine, Year III, Nr.24, 1999, Page 30-31
20. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Enigmas. Is there another way to see?”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 25, Page8-9
21. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spirituality. The Concrete Experience of Enlightenment”, in Mysteries' Magazine Nr. 26, 1999, Page 11-12
22. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spirituality. Simple ways to get to eternal happiness.”, in Mysteries Magazine Nr. 27, 2000, Page 7-8
23. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Mysteries of the Beginning in Love ”, in Eros & Amor (Eros & Love), Nr. 1, 1996, Page 6-7
24. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Food and the Act of Eating”, in Eros & Amor, Nr. 1,1996, Page 10
25. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Couple... Is It A Trap?”, in Eros & Amor, Nr. 2, 1996, Page8-9
26. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Woman's problems, but not only hers”, in Eros & Amor, Nr. 2, 1996, Page10
27. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Tantra. The Sensual Massage”, in Eros & Amor, Nr. 3, Page 6-7
28. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Making Love Sublimely without Sexual Contact”, in Eros & Amor, Nr. 4, Page 10-11 and 17-18
29. Gregorian Bivolaru, "20 Reasons to Make Love for Hours only with Continence” (I), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 16, Year III, 1997, Page 6-7
30. Gregorian Bivolaru, "20 Reasons to Make Love for Hours only with Continence” (II), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 17, Year III, 1997, Page 6-8
31. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Everything about Sexual Continence” (I), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 18, Year IV, 1998, Page 6-7
32. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Everything about Sexual Continence” (II), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 19, Year IV, 1998, Page 6-7
33. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Advantages of the Prolonged Orgasm” (I), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 20, Year IV, 1998, Page 6-7
34. Gregorian Bivolaru, " The Advantages of the Prolonged Orgasm” (II), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 22, Year IV, 1998, Page 6-7
35. Gregorian Bivolaru, "12 Amazing Effects of Lovemaking only when done with Continence” (I), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 23, Year IV, 1998, Page 6-7
36. Gregorian Bivolaru, "12 Amazing Effects of Lovemaking only when done with Continence” (II), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 24, Year IV, 1998, Page 6-7
37. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Some Fundamental Secrets of the Art of touching.” in Eros & Amor, Nr. 25, Year IV, 1998, Page 6-7
38. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Practical Methods. Getting Intimate in Love Relationships ” (I), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 26, Year IV, 1998, Page 12-13
39. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Practical Methods. Getting Intimate in Love Relationships” (II), in Eros & Amor, Nr. 27, Year V, 1999, Page 12-13
40. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Art of Saying No When Necessary”, Yoga Magazine, April 1996, Page 4-5
41. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Magic of Science. The scientists confirm the secrets of alchemy: we carry a miniature zodiac in every cell”, in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 2, Page 10-11
42. Gregorian Bivolaru, Unique Revelations. In a spiritual journey anyone can make a leap directly from the lower levels to the highest”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 5, Page 12-16
43. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Hatha Yoga. Purvottanasana”, in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 7, Page 14-16
44. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Mystical Ecstasy. A fascinating mystery of the divine love.”, in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 7, Page 21-24
45. Gregorian Bivolaru (Elaboration, translation and presentation), " Urine Therapy of the Americans”, in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 9, pag 20-23
46. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Astral Projection by Yogic Methods ” (Part I), in Yoga Magazine Nr. 11, Page 22-25
47. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Astral Projection by Yogic Methods” (Part II), in Yoga Magazine Nr.12
48. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Mysterious Power of the Mudras” (I), in Yoga Magazine Nr. 13, Page 27-29
49. Gregorian Bivolaru (Author), " The Mysterious Power of The Mudra's” (II), in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 14, Page24-27
50. Gregorian Bivolaru, "From the Mysteries of Ancient Practices. Mauna – ASource of Peace and Energy” (I), in Yoga Magazine Nr.17, 2000, Page 24-27
51. Gregorian Bivolaru, " From the Mysteries of Ancient Practices. Mauna – A Source of Peace and Energy” (II), in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 18, July 2000, Page 28-29
52. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Daily Yoga. Chronobyology and Resonance with the Subtle Energies of the Macrocosms.”, in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 19,Page 31
53. Gregorian Bivolaru, "How to Relax through Simple Yoga Methods in Less than 5 Minutes” in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 19, 2000, Page 26
54. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Advice and Recommendations. Why do the yogis think that we should avoid mobile phones.”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 19, 2000, Page 39-40
55. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Surprising applications of the universal phenomenon of resonance. Revealed mysteries of sympathy and empathy”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 21, 2000, Page 20-23
56. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Hath Yoga. Surya Namaskara”, in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 27, 2001, Page 39-41
57. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Meditation. Vipassana: Meditation without an Object.”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 28, 2001, Page 14-15
58. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Attitudes. By choosing the present, you choose eternity”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 28, 2001, Page 18
59. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spiritual Event. Mahashivaratri”, in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 32, February 2002, Page 22-23
60. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Traditions. Fundamental aspects of Shiva. One God with Seven Faces: Shiva Mayavin, Shiva the Magician (I)”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 33, April 2002, Page 20-26
61. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Meditation. Shambavi Mudra, The Gesture that Brings Happiness”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 33, April 2002, Page27-29
62. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Traditions. Fundamental aspects of Shiva. One God withSeven Faces.: Shiva Umapati, Shiva in the aspect of Uma's Lover ” (II), in Yoga Magazine Nr.34, April 2002, Page 17-19
63. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Meditation. A Simple and Efficient Method to Reveal the Supreme inner Self”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 34, April 2002, Page 25-27
64. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Meditation. The Sky and Earth Brings You Harmony. A simple method of centering oneself and inner balancing”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 34,April 2002, Page 36-37
65. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Traditions. Fundamental aspects of Shiva. One God with Seven Faces: Shiva Nataraja, Shiva the Dancer of the Celebration of Divine Life” (III), in Yoga Magazine Nr. 35, 2002, Page 3-5
66. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Revelations. The Mysteries of the Yogic Yang Spiral”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 35, 2002, Page 17-20
67. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spiritual Traditions. The Mysterious Faces of Shiva. ShivaVrishabharudha: Shiva in The aspect of Master of The Divine Law of Justice and Universal Harmony (Dharma)”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 42, 2003, Page 20-22
68. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spiritual Traditions. The Mysterious Faces of Shiva. Shiva Matangari: Shiva triumphant over the hostile, evil forces”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 43, June 2003, Page 20-21
69. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spiritual Traditions. The Mysterious Faces of Shiva. Shiva Kankala: The Divine aspect of Shiva who makes it possible to quickly transcend worldly temptations”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 44, August 2003, Page 20-23
70. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spiritual Traditions. The Mysterious Faces of Shiva. Shiva Dakshinamurti: The Divine teacher who gives liberating wisdom ”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 45, September 2003, Page 20-23
71. Gregorian Bivolaru, " Spiritual Traditions. The Mysterious Faces of Shiva. Shiva Kiratarjuna: The one who offers his divine protection by which we can gain invincibility against evil”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 46, Page 17-19
72. Gregorian Bivolaru, " Spiritual Traditions. The Mysterious Faces of Shiva. Shiva Kamari: The Divine Master of All Desires”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 47, Page 6-8
73. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spiritual Traditions. The Mysterious Faces of Shiva. Shiva Brikshatana: Awakens The Divine Love in the Sleeping Hearts”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 48, Page 14-17
74. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spiritual Traditions. The Mysterious Faces of Shiva, Shiva Ardhanarishvara: The Divine Glorious Androgen”, in Yoga Magazine, Nr. 49, Page 15-18
75. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Journey into The Erotic Heaven. Enjoy the Great Divine Pleasures”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 49, Page3
76. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Orgasm and Sinton”, in Yoga Magazine Nr.49, Page 4
77. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Mysteries of The Tantric Erotic Ecstasy”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 49, Page 5-7
78. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Law of Miracles” (I), in Yoga Magazine, Year I, Nr. 1, January 1991, Page 10-12
79. Gregorian Bivolaru, " The Law of Miracles” (II), in Yoga Magazine, Year I, Nr. 2, February 1991, Page 12-14
80. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Yoga and Success in Life. An Introduction to Practice”, in Yoga Magazine, Year I, Nr. 2, February 1991, Page 8-10
81. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Sexuality and Yoga”, in the Magazine of Yoga Infinite, Nr. 2, Year II, 1993, Page 16-18
82. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Miraculous Healing”, in the Magazine of Yoga Infinite, Nr. 2, Year II, 1993, Page 23-25
83. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Mysteries of the Left and Right Brain”, in Journal of Yoga, Nr. 2, 1993, Page 1-3
84. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Mysteries of Yogic Meditation”, in Journal of Yoga, Nr. 3, 1993, Page 1-5
85. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Yogic Art of Conscious Dreaming”, in Journal of Yoga, Nr. 3, 1993, Page 8-11
86. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Trans-communication. Techniques and Paranormal Research”, in Journal of Yoga, Nr. 3, 1993, Page 16-17
87. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Music Therapy. Healing Through Harmonious Vibrations”, in Journal of Yoga, Nr. 3, 1993, Page 24-25
88. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Spontaneous Yoga by Romanians”, in Yoga Magazine Nr. 3, 1993, Page 2-3
89. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Continent Sexual Couples, Schoolof Life Fulfilled through Transfiguring Love”, in Steps in Eternity Magazine Nr.2, 1994, Page 6-13
90. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The sexual energy, a huge sacred power of Life?”(Editorial), in Yoga and Life Magazine Nr. 1, Year I, 1991, Page2-3
91. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Mircea Eliade. Yoga and Tantrism” (Translation), in Yoga and Life Magazine Nr. 1, Year I, 1991, Page 4-6
92. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Music therapy, or music instead of Medicines”, in Yoga and Life Magazine Nr. 1, Year I, 1991, Page 7-8
93. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Practice of Meditation”, in Yoga and Life Magazine Nr. 1, Year I, 1991, Page 9
94. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Shiva Samhita” (Translation), in Yoga and Life Magazine Nr. 1, Year I, 1991, Page 10-13
95. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Yoga Sutras - The Fundamental Text of The Yogic Knowledge ” (Translation and adaptation), in Yoga and Life Magazine Nr. 1, Year I, 1993, Page 24-26
96. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Practice. Mastering thinking and actions through Yoga”, in Yoga and Life Magazine Nr. 2, Year I, 1991, Page 8-11
97. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Dematerialization. Materialization”, in Yoga and Life Magazine Nr. 2, Year I, 1991, Page 12-15
98. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Tantra and Yoga” (Translation and adaptation of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Comments on the fundamental text Vijnana Bhairava Tantra), in Yoga and Life Magazine Nr. 2, Year I, 1991, Page 2, Page 18-22
99. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Seventh Sense – Sense of Humor”, in HA-HA Yoga –Satire and Humor Magazine, Year I, Nr. 1, June 1995
100. Gregorian Bivolaru (Translation of The Tibetan Manuscript Rje-Sgampo-Rimpoche... ), "The Supreme Path of the Disciple who truly aspires to Reach The Ultimate Spiritual Liberation. Essential Precepts of the Masters of Wisdom”, in The Booklet of the Spiritual Yoga Camp 1996, Page 7-34
101. Gregorian Bivolaru, " ABC's of Natural Medicine At Hand for Every Yogi and Yoghini”, in The Booklet of the Spiritual Yoga Camp 1996, Page 44-48
102. Gregorian Bivolaru, “Liver, Great Guardian and Savior of Our Health”, in The Booklet of the Spiritual Yoga Camp 1996, Page 67-70
103. Gregorian Bivolaru, "The Mysterious Method of Hesicast Christian inner listening according to the teachings of Father Seraphim” (Translation of Jean-Yves Leloup), in The Booklet of the Spiritual Yoga Camp 1996, Page 71-81
104. Gregorian Bivolaru, "Aphorisms”, in The Booklet of the Spiritual Yoga Camp 1999, Page78-79
106. Gregorian Bivolaru, "How we can communicate in the intimacy of our being with God”, in The Booklet of the Spiritual Yoga Camp 2000, Bucharest, Shambala Publishing House, 2000, Page 5-41