Asylum in Sweden >>> Malmo - asylum request
Mr. Gregorian Bivolaru asked for political asylum in Sweden on the 24th March 2005. Mr. Bivolaru was called back to an investigative interview at the Swedish Migration Board in Malmo, on the 4 th of April 2005. During the second appearance in the procedure of the asylum request, the MISA mentor was arrested by the Interpol due to the international warrant issued by the General Police Department Bucharest almost a year before. Gregorian Bivolaru remained to custody at the Malmo Police Department.
Mr.Bivolaru's lawyer made several requests for him to be released pending trial, requests analyzed by the Court of Malmo on the 29th of April, on the 23rd of May and on the 2nd on June 2005. All these requests were declined.
During this period Mr. Bivolaru could be contacted only a few times by his friends. The meetings took place under strict police surveillance.
»The political asylum case of Mr. Gregorian Bivolaru
»The Press conference on 13 April 2005 - Malmo