Reactions and protests >>> Press releases >>> October 8th, 2004: Witness Cristina Dumitru - prosecutors' victim or Judas
Prosecutors sequester houses in order to obtain testimonies to cover up their abuses
Bucharest, October 8th, 2004.
For almost seven months the prosecutors couldn't provide any kind of evidence to support their charges and now they try by all means to "manufacture" witnesses. Cristina Dumitru, these days presented as key witness, is just one of the persons blackmailed by authorities in order to convince them to declare the lies that they need.
Initially summoned as witness in the investigation regarding Gregorian Bivolaru, at the end of May, Cristina Dumitru declared at the Prosecuting Magistracy that Mr. Bivolaru is innocent and he had never had sexual relationships with Madalina Dumitru or other minor girls. Her statement was given in the attorney's presence and filmed by the prosecutors.
Cristina Dumitru gave this statement under the following circumstances: until that moment an intimidation campaign against her was undertaken: she was hunted, pursued, filmed and photographed, brought countless times by the investigators from Mangalia to Bucharest to be questioned, not allowed to be assisted by an attorney and she lost a pregnancy because of the stress she was subjected to.
In spite of the pressures she gave the statement favorable for Gregorian Bivolaru. Then the prosecutors continued with extreme measures: they changed her witness capacity and charged her of traffic of persons, recently everything culminating with the sequestration of her house. Now, the same prosecutors who carried out "the convincing work", present victoriously the new accusing statement of Cristina Dumitru who - surprise! - after being the defense witness and then defendant, suddenly becomes the prosecution's witness.
We all know what the truth is. Also Cristina Dumitru does. But we realize that many people in her situation would have eventually yielded and accepted to make a deal with the Prosecuting Magistracy.
Cristina Dumitru is just one example that shows the tremendous pressures that the yoga practitioners and MISA yoga school are subjected to, as well as the witches hunting deployed all over the country by the prosecutors, despising all laws, human rights and innocence assumption.
Even today, in Bucharest, the prosecutors are looking in the buildings in the neighborhood of one hall of MISA's yoga course for people to declare that they have seen different things on the windows, in the hall of course. Most of the neighbors being unemployed, with a poor social condition and a low degree of literacy, we could easily imagine the statements that they will give. The fact that the course hall is at the fifth floor and has translucent windows is, of course, an insignificant detail within this context.
Ever since March the MISA yoga school accuses the justice of corruption and political influence, and the recent country report of the European Commission Delegation in Romania confirms this.
For further information:
M.I.S.A.Press Office