Mass media campaign >>> Campaign starting with 18 March 2004 >>> The authorities and the media continue the denigrating campaign against MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru
Up to now, respectively the month of November 2006, the Romanian authorities didn’t return the goods seized unfairly from hundreds of innocent people, the houses of the yoga teachers are still sequestered by the state, the representatives of mass-media and the parliamentarians, as Radu Tirle, continue the denigrating campaign against the yoga school and its spiritual mentor, Gregorian Bivolaru.
Article published in the newspaper “Ziua” (first page)
“Free and dangerous”
"Romanian Police has now got a top of the most wanted Romanians. Omar Hayssam, Gregorian Bivolaru, Dorel Popa, Mihai Bucurenciu, Paul Popa and Ioan Clamparu are the first. Terrorism, sex with children, drug and flesh trafficking, kidnapping and murders are the reasons why these 6 people should be behind bars.
The escape of terrorist no. 1 is still shrouded in mystery and he is assumed to be in Syria now. The MISA (Group for Spiritual Integration in Absolute) guru Gregorian Bivolaru was granted political exile in Sweden after authorities had turned the inquiry against him into show. Dorel Popa is a baron of drugs who made a fortune by drug trafficking. He is now spending it at ease in Columbia. Mihai Bucurenciu opened the famous “Moon” operation, torturing and kidnapping people. But the Police haven't managed to get him extradited from Belgium. Paul Popa shot a man dead in Deva, he is suspected of connections with the Greek murderer Passaris and also of having killed policeman Sasa Disici. As for Claparu, known as “Pig Head”, he got himself a flesh trafficking empire in Spain by torturing people. (...)" (B.G., G.T.)
The article appears on page one in the column “First page”. A photo of Grieg is included in the article, near the photos of the 5 of the “most wanted Romanian offenders”.
The newspaper « ZIUA » of the 28th of October 2006
Whole article on page 5
”Free and dangerous”
"Terrorism, drug trafficking, crime, sequestrations, flesh trafficking. All these deeds have something common: they have been committed by the most wanted Romanian offenders : Omar Hayssam, Mihai Bucurenciu, Gregorian Bivolaru, Dorel Popa, Paul Popa, Ioan Clamparu. They are the most important persons on the list of the most wanted offenders, made by the Police and called “Most Wanted". All those above mentioned managed to leave the country. Up to now they have not been caught. The residence of some of them is known. The Romanian authorities didn’t manage to bring them home. Mihai Bucurenciu - who caused the largest action of the Romanian Police and made the flying squad act, because of deal «Luggage rack ». The man who made Bucharest be like after war for some days.
Omar Hayssam, accused of abduction of the Romanian journalists in Iraq and other deeds, that shocked the secret services and the General Prosecutor’s Office.
"Guru"Bivolaru, MISA leader, charged with sexual intercourses and perversions with a minor and with attempt of illegally cross the border.
Dorel Popa," the baron of drugs" was engaged in the drug traffic valuing millions euro. Paul Popa, the offence fellow of Constantinos Passaris, suspected in the murder of the policeman from Timisoara, Sasa Disici.
Ioan Clamparu, one of the main drug traffickers in human beings in the world.
These are the main offenders wanted by the Romanian Police. Famous offenders who, at the present moment, are free and dangerous.
Omar Hayssam, the most dangerous Romanian offender
Terrorist no.1 Pudding face, thick-lipped, grey haired, crop-eared, average height. This description, posted on the site of the Romanian Police belongs to Omar Hayssam. On his name the judges of Bucharest Court of Appeal issued a warrant of preventive arrest for terrorism. Set free in the month of April, due to the magistrates’ decision of Bucharest Court of Appeal, who replaced the measure of arrest with the interdiction to leave the country; the Syrian is wanted by the Romanian Police to be again taken under arrest. In April the Court of Appeal decided to set free Omar, because, according to the medical certificates, the Syrian suffers of colon cancer in a terminal phase. Even the prosecutor who investigated the case and who asked the arrest and proceedings against the Syrian didn’t oppose the request to be set free. To the end of the month of May, the magistrates ordered that the Syrian was brought before the trial court because the last didn’t come before the court at the previous date. Hayssam knew the fact that not coming before the court repeatedly, without reason, could lead to arrest. At half month of June, the Syrian appears to the Court of Appeal, but he gets the adjournment of the case, justifying that his health doesn’t allowed him to be heard. At the next date, on 28th of June, Omar Hayssam comes before the court for the last time. Nor this time he couldn’t be heard because he was on sedatives. Since that time the Syrian was unavailable. He didn’t appear on the 12th, when he had a hearing date at Bucharest Court of Appeal. The defenders of the Syrian held that he was in-patient in a sanatorium, but they didn’t present any medical certificate proving it. Some unacknowledged sources assume that Hayssam is in Syria.
"Guru" protected by the Swedish
Gregorian Bivolaru, the spiritual mentor and the founder of the Movement for Spiritual Integration in the Absolute (MISA), is in Sweden, the Romanian authorities have issued on his name a warrant of arrest. He has been retained the last year at Malmo, as a consequence of a general suit warrant. In spite this fact, the Supreme Court from Sweden dissmissed the request filed by the Romanian authorities regarding the extradition of Bivlaru. Against him a warrant of preventive arrest has been issued for having committed the offence of sexual intercourse with a minor. During the period 2003 – 2004, Bivolaru, abusing of his capacity as a yoga teacher, during two years had sexual intercourses with a minor that he had co-opted as yoga exerciser at the yoga classes.
The spiritual mentor of MISA was arrested at the end of the month of March 2004, charged with sexual intercourses and perversions with a minor, since she had still 15 years. Bivolaru was set free on the 1st of April the same year, after Bucharest Court of Appeal accepted the recourse against the preventive arrest. The magistrates of Bucharest Court of Appeal decided that Bucharest Law Court was not in the capacity to issue the respective arrest warrant, but the Trial Court of the 5th district, for this reason the famous guru has been set free, and disappeared without a trace. On 28th of March, Bivolaru tried to cross illegally the border by Nadlac border point, Arad, being guided by a customs inspector, but his attempt failed. But he managed later.
The baron of drugs
Dorel Popa, « The baron of drugs » he is the head of an international line for cocaine traffic Columbia - Ecuador - Romania - Hungary. He has dealt up to now in traffic with dozens kilos of drugs valuing millions euro. A large part of it has been destroyed in 2001, but Popa, who is on the list “wanted”, sentenced with 30 years of prison, seems to be hidden in Columbia. After a large part of the drug network has e destroyed in 2001, Dorel Popa, who at that time was in Ecuador, formed by a relative of him, a new network, with the purpose to co-opt different persons, to go to Ecuador to bring cocaine, in return for a sum of money. By the way, a Romanian was caught by the Ecuador authorities, having on him three kilos of cocaine due to get to Romania. After this man was caught the fellows working with Popa co-opted another man that they sent to Ecuador. This one was also caught at his return on the airport in Budapesta by the Hungarian authorities, having on him 2,6 kg of cocaine hidden in whisky bottles. In spite this Popa didn’t give up, and kept co-opting people to bring drugs from Ecuador. Another two men went to Ecuador to bring drugs. They have been met in Zagreb by a Croatian citizen who had relations with Dorel Popa. One of them came back to Romania and was caught in the rail-way station in Oradea. At his return, he to a Serbian citizen three bottles with approximately 2,6 kilos of cocaine.
After a short time, another fellow of Popa left for Ecuador, wherefrom he brought approximately 1,6 kilos of cocaine hidden in a video camera and a whisky bottle. A part of the drugs have been trafficked in Romania, and the rest in Hungary.
Mihai Bucurenciu
The man who caused the operation “Moon”, Mihai Bucurenciu is the “nightmare” of the policemen. Sentenced in the deal called “Baggage rack”, the famous file that caused in the year 2000 the operation “Moon” and wanted internationally, is still free. Abroad. Wanted for more years. On 11th of January 2000, Mihai Bucurenciu told his friends that his car Mercedes has been broken and a bag in leather was stolen, containing 420.000 dollars, 30.000 de marques?, 2000 de pounds, 120.000.000 lei and 300 gr. jewelries. He asserted that he suspected Valentin Raducan, also wanted, and the friends of the last. Bucurenciu appealed for help to Sandu Geamanu. At the headquarter of the enterprise of Bucurenciu that evening came except the support team of Sandu, Ahmet Metin, also sentenced in this file, as other persons. At the headquarter, and at a bar in Giulesti belonging to Bucurenciu, there were 50-60 employees of him. Valentin Raducan was called by one of the acolyte of Bucurenciu and brought to the headquarter of the enterprise of Bucurenciu. He came there around 22.30 o’clock. He was got in a room and aggressed physically to be made return the money alleged to be stolen. For fear Raducan acknowledged that he stole together with a man, the aggressor asked him to see them to the house of the last, what he did. That person was beat and taken inside the car of Bucurenciu. The first days of sequestration, the little finger of the left hand of Raducan was creased.
He and the other person sequestrated were aggressed and tortured with crowbars and warmed steel bars. On 18th of January the concubine of Raducan notified the Police about his sequestration. Immediately Raducan was moved by the aggressors in more assets, then in an old church in Giulesti-Sarbi. On 12th of January, Raducan was got bare because his clothes were blood spotted and were given to the laundry "Nufarul" to be washed. On the receipt issued by the laundry was mentioned that the clothes had traces of blood. On 4th of February Bucurenciu left for his villa in Breaza, three days later Raducan was also brought there. On the 1st of February Raducan managed to escape, through a window. Bucurenciu was wanted by the Police. He was retained in Belgium, where he had important business connections.
The friend of the killer Passaris
One of the most dangerous offenders in Romania, Paul Popa, is internationally wanted having killed a fellow from Deva and for relations with the Greek murder Constantinos Passaris. On the 18th of January 2002 ha been suited, after two days he had shot in the breast a fellow from Deva. Persons from the underworld stated then that Popa is twice more dagerous than Passaris, because he is very hard-headed and eye-opened. It was supposed that Popa found the gun for Passaris to plunder the exchange office "Le Petit Bijou"in Bucharest, as to get a false passport for the visa. Besides, the Romanian policemen assert that Popa had helped in Greece Constantinos Passaris to commit some criminal offences. The Greek press supposed that it was possible he took part at committing some criminal deeds in Greece, together with Passaris, under the name Mario. The main Greek newspapers presented in detail the offences that they have committed, as well as the way they managed to escape from the Greek police. Popa is suspected in the case of murder of the policeman from Timisoara, Sasa Disici.
« Pig Head », the king of the terror Ioan Clamparu, the most important character in flesh trafficking, hasn’t yet been caught. A leader not only in Romania but in Europe too. « One of the main traffickers in human beings in the world », as the civil Spanish guard called him. A person who trafficked hundreds women in Spain. The Romanian authorities try to catch him for years. Clamparu is still the head of the most organized network in human trafficking from Romania to Occident. A person classified as the most horrible trafficker in women on the line Romania – Occident and who built up a true empery of terror. Ion Clamparu, called "Nose", "Papa" or "Pig head", who is sentenced for 15 years of prison for murder, being set free conditionally in 1999, initiated in 2001, a network that had as model of action the rules of punishment used in by the Italian Camorra. The first country for « pig head » left was Italy. He maintained the relations with different Italian from Romania. The night of 7th towards 8th of September, while he was generally suited, « Papa » took place at a wedding party. « Pig head » was seen that night accompanied by an Italian who, after eight months was killed with a gun caliber 5,45 mm. Lately, Ion Clamparu was sent to trial in his absence, by an indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice. If styled, the indictment of the prosecutors could be subject for a novel about the organized crimes off stage. Ion Clamparu is a real highbinder, who laid on line more than 1,5 million dollars to stop the investigations against him. But he is still unavailable. Clamparu is the most horrible women trafficker on the line Romania- Spain. The whole network was coordinated by « pig head », helped by other persons who dealt with co-opting other victims, getting travel papers and the transportation of the girls to Spain. Once arriving there the girls were accommodated in flats rent by the flesh traffickers, told that the last issue was practicing prostitution.
Most of times, the girls were taken the papers and threatened. Clamparu and his fellows were pitiless, appealing to force and physical violence to convince the girls to sell their body and to make money for them, money that they sent to Romania. One of the most « fertile » methods to convince was beating the old girls before the new coming. This way the traffickers showed that they were not joking and any disobedience will be rudely punished. The accounts of the victims of Clamparu are staggering and show the terror to which they were submitted. The girls were obliged to prostitute themselves in a large park from Madrid, called Casa del Campo, called in the traffickers’ slang « the factory ». The places were called « posts », and the girls « luggage » or «parcel ». Each night, more than 150 girls went to « produce ». The activity was overseen by Clamparu and his inspectors, who didn’t meet any problem to eliminate, by any means, the panders who broke the rules." (Bogdan GALCA, George TARATA)
The article appears on p.5 (on an entire newspaper page), in the column « Event ». The article is accompanied by a photo of Grieg (the image behind bars) and a photo with the participants at a spiral meditation in Herculane, with the subtitle: "Grig Bivolaru and MISA meeting”.