Who is
and threats
of the case

Mass media campaign >>> Campaign starting with 18 March 2004 >>> May 2006 Articles

1 May 2006 AssociationTRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL – ROMANIA* National report upon corruption link -
1 May 2006 COTIDIANUL Monica went the furthest Cristian Patrasconiu, Cristina Hurdubaia, Claudiu Tarziu link
1-7 May 2006 ZIARUL DE MURES With Dalai Lama at Kiev Nicolae Balint link
2 May 2006 EDITIE SPECIALA Technology instead of imprison. Guru Bivolaru talks through mp3 with the yogis gathered at Baile Herculane Iulian Gogonea link
3 May 2006 AZI Ephemeredes Xantipa link
3 May 2006 LIBERTATEA The spiral of the yogis takes as much time as a football match Alin Ghiciulescu link
4 May 2006 RADIO MINISAT - Caras-Severin Thousands of yogis beat up the resort Baile Herculane radio RADIO MINISAT link
4 May 2006 ROMPRES Caras-Severin: MISA members do the third spiral Rompres -
4 May 2006 AMOS NEWS The yogis, the guru and the spirit of the Romanian people at Baile Herculane Vali Popovici link
4 May 2006 REALITATEA TV MISA SPIRAL. 4000 of yogis held in a Yang Spiral Realitatea TV link
4 May 2006 SUD-VESTUL - Resita Baile Herculane – a paradise Antoniu Mocanu link
4 May 2006 SUD-VESTUL - Resita Gregorian Bivolaru, present in Herculane? Antoniu Mocanu -
9 May 2006 ANTENA 1 Title of reportage: „Prayer” to guru Lucian Mândruta and Alexandra Stoicescu -
10-16 May 2006 ACADEMIA CATAVENCU no. 18 (751) “Gura-gainii”(an ironic word play, n. t.) tea for MISA Nicolae Yoga P. 29 print edition
22-28 May 2006 GAZETA DE BUCURESTI Sodden by the doctrine of Bivolaru, dozens of young people are victims of the pornography and prostitution Dan Papij link
22-28 May 2006 GAZETA DE CLUJ Sodden by the doctrine of Gregorian Bivolaru Dan Papij link
22-28 May 2006 GAZETA DE BISTRITA Sodden by the doctrine of Bivolaru, dozens of young people are victims of the pornography and prostitution Mihai Petean link
22 May 2006 ZIARUL DE SIBIU MISA. Urine jets at Herculane Anonymous link
22-28 May 2006 ZIARUL DE MURES Victims of pornography and prostitution Trust GAZETA link
29 May 2006 ADEVARUL Grig Bivolaru, “saviour of the planet” Anonymous link
29 May - 4 June 2006 GAZETA DE BUCURESTI Gregorian Bivolaru calls his advocates to sexual games Anonymous link
29 May - 4 June 2006 GAZETA DE BUCURESTI From the remote and cold Sweden, Gregorian Bivolaru calls his advocates to sexual games Dan Papij link
29 May 2006 BUNA ZIUA, ARDEAL Gregorian Bivolaru calls his advocates to sexual games Anonymous link
29 May - 4 June 2006 GAZETA DE CLUJ MISA from and the urge to sexual games Monica Aciocanesei, Dan Papij link
29 May - 4 June 2006 GAZETA DE ORADEA MISA: pornography and prostitution Dan Papij link
29 May - 4 June 2006 GAZETA DE BISTRITA From the remote and cold Sweden, Gregorian Bivolaru calls his advocates to sexual games Dan Papij link
30 May 2006 ROMPRES Sibiu: a new term in the file of Gregorian Bivolaru Rompres -
30 May 2006 ADEVARUL Sex only with the approval of Guru Andrei Badin link
30 May 2006 ADEVARUL New shocking disclosures from within MISA. Bivolaru "the son of God and the savior of the planet” Andrei Badin link
30 May 2006 AMOS NEWS   Alic Mirza link
30 May 2006 ZIARE.RO Sex only with the approval of Guru Andrei Badin. link
30 May 2006 Adevarul The adepts are indoctrinated with alleged messages from the Almighty God - link
31 May 2006 9AM.ro "Bivolaru son of God and the savior of the planet”   link
31 May 2006 ROMPRES The Lawyer of Bivolaru considers that some articles of the law on which is founded the accusation of the guru, are unconstitutional - -
31 May 2006 ROMPRES The family of Madalina Dumitru states that she never has been the lover of "guru" Bivolaru - -
31 May 2006 ROMPRES The mother of Madalina Dumitru defended Gregorian Bivolaru - -
31 May 2006 Rompres The mother of Madalina Dumitru testified on Wednesday for the defendant Gregorian Bivolaru - -
31 May 2006 BUNA ZIUA, ARDEAL Cluj MISA Monica Aciocanesei link
31 May 2006 ZIARUL DE SIBIU Cluj MISA and the invitation to sexual games Monica Aciocanesei, Dan Papij link
31 May 2006 TRIBUNA In brief: good and bad D. Chiselita link

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