Mass media campaign >>> Introduction
Between 1990 and 2004 Gregorian Bivolaru and MISA, the Yoga Association founded immediately after the fall of the communist regime, where constant subject of misinformation, media intoxication, calumny and authorities abuse. It seemed like the Securitate (Communist Secret Services) agents who arrested and aggressed all those who were attending professor's Gregorian Bivolaru yoga courses in the years of the communist era, still had control to some part of the administration and mass media and they continued to strike with the same force against the yogis.
Only after the begin of the "investigation" campaign in March 2004 the authorities revealed to the media that both Mr. Gregorian Bivolaru and MISA activities where under constant surveillance by the Romanian Intelligence Service for more than 10 years (!!!), including phone tapping, with the justification that MISA should be a paramilitary group and it should represent a danger for the national security(!!!).
Also recently the fears that certain journalists where collaborating with the secret service in the campaign against Yogis received a surprisingly confirmation. The spokesperson of the main Romanian Intelligence Service-SRI admitted that in the last 16 years, undercover SRI officers have been working as journalists. After this announcement the parliamentary committee to check on the SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) decided on 3 august 2006 to open inquiry on secret service undercover officers sneaked in the world of mass media.
Read here a short list of excerpts from media articles and broadcasts regarding the secret services surveillance.
Read also a SYNOPSIS presenting a general review of newspaper articles regarding Yoga, MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru during 1993-1998 + 2002.