Juridical situation >>> Introduction
Gregorian Bivolaru has been subject to abusive and discriminating actions of the communist secret service Securitate and he was also SENTENCED AND JAILED FOR POLITICAL REASONS DURING THE COMMUNIST REGIME. After the fall of the communist regime the political persecution of Gregorian Bivolaru continued and culminated with the events started on 18 March 2004, when his apartment was devastated during a search taking place simultaneously with other 16 private locations, residences of some yoga students.
On 28 March 2004 , Mr. Bivolaru was illegally detained at Nadlac border point, charged with an alleged attempt to illegally cross the border, attempt denounced by eyewitnesses as a set-up. The political order is clearly proved by the transcripts of Social Democratic Party (PSD) meeting on 27 March, the very day before the set-up.
In spite of these very soft evidences, Mr. Bivolaru is arrested on 30 March 2004 with extreme swiftness, a court of judges being formed at night and the trial taking place within doors. The right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence are not observed.
On 31 May 2004 a new arrest warrant is issued, for sexual act with a minor, despite the fact that the “victim” denied this capacity.
After Mr. Bivolaru's request for political asylum in Sweden , the Romanian authorities realized the first warrant - on which the extradition request was based - was very inconsistent, and came up with a new warrant in April 2005, assimilating a fundamental branch of yoga – Karma Yoga – with persons trafficking.
The Romanian authorities set-up two files on the name of Mr. Gregorian Bivolaru, one of them was on trial at Sibiu Law Court, see the articles SIBIU COURT HAS RULED: GREGORIAN BIVOLARU IS INNOCENT and THE ALBA IULIA COURT OF APPEAL REJECTED THE APPEAL FORMULATED BY THE SIBIU PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE. At present the other file is on trial at the Law Court from Cluj, see the files status.