Who is
and threats
of the case

The file of Gregorian Bivolaru has been made up by the Romanian Prosecutors’ Office following the order of the Romanian Communist Secret Services (Securitate). "It is a strange and unique case within the European Justice System" declares General Dan Voinea, the former chief of Military Prosecutors’ Offices, who, following to the investigation started in order to shed light upon this file, was removed from the position he previously held. (after video play click "CC" to activate subtitles)

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The Romanian Yoga teacher Home page - Introduction

This site describes the case of Gregorian Bivolaru, the mentor of a large spiritual movement in Romania. The organization he founded is called MISA, the Movement for Spiritual Integration in Absolute, and its main focus is on the practice of yoga and meditation.

Professor Yoga Gregorian Bivolaru is a well-known yoga & tantra teacher, with over 35 books published, the author of over 100 articles on yoga, spirituality, love, tantra, sexual continence and meditation, co writer and translator of many other published materials. Due to its effectiveness, the yoga and tantra system taught by Professor Yoga Gregorian Bivolaru has been implemented in over 30 countries in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa and even Australia. He is currently the Spiritual Mentor of MISA yoga school and many sister schools around the world that are embracing the same teaching system. Many competent yoga & tantra teachers were trained under his direct guidance, based on the ancient yoga knowledge and his own personal experience. The spiritual school that Professor Yoga Gregorian Bivolaru has founded has more than 40.000 active students worldwide and hundreads of thousands of sympathizers.

Ever since the beginning of his yoga practice back in the 70's, Mr. Bivolaru has been the object of constant surveillance and persecution by the totalitarian communist regime. Recently, a court decision aknowledged that Gregorian Bivolaru was sentenced and jailed for political reasons during the communist regime. Even after the fall of the communism in 1989, Gregorian Bivolaru continues to be persecuted for his beliefs, the authorities managing (with the support of mass media) to turn him into an outcast person, marginalized by the Romanian society, together with all MISA yoga students.

The peak of this abuses and persecutions against Gregorian Bivolaru and MISA was reached on 18 March 2004, when the authorities - prosecutors, police, gendarmes, secret services - started an unprecedented intimidation campaign.

Troops were sent to private houses of MISA yoga practitioners. People were brutalized, threatened at gunpoint, personal belongings and documents were confiscated, false declarations were obtained by force, crimes, witnesses and victims were fabricated.

A warrant of arrest was issued on 31 May 2004 against Mr. Bivolaru who decided to hide away, convinced already he has no chances for a fair trial in Romania, and following two serious attempts on his life.

On 24 March 2005 Mr. Bivolaru applied for asylum in Sweden. As of 4 April he has been held in Malmo police's custody, since there was an Interpol red notice on his name. On 11 April 2005 the Romanian Ministry of Justice requested the Swedish authorities to extradite Mr. Bivolaru on the basis of the existing arrest warrant. Being aware of the inconsistency of this warrant, the authorities manufactured immediately another file and issued a second warrant on 15 April 2005.

At the end of October 2005, the High Court of Justice of Stockholm denied the extradition requests submitted by the Romanian authorities, on grounds of unsupported accusations stated against the MISA mentor. Two months later, on the eve of 2006, Mr. Bivolaru was granted political asylum in Sweden. This decision is a result of nine months’ investigation of his case in Sweden, which concluded that Gregorian Bivolaru is unjustly prosecuted in Romania on account of his religious beliefs.

Currently the case is under monitor by independent organizations who fight for reforms in the Romanian Justice, like "Sojust". The September 2006 alternative report in the Human rights chapter shows:

"The prosecutor now investigates organized crime and human traffic cases concerning some of the MISA members. One has instituted the measure of “insuring arrestment” on 70 buildings for covering the damages that they claimed. Officially, one has noted that, under the cover of courses for initiation in the yoga practices, the investigated persons attracted, manipulated and exploited the participants (of whom many were minor) to their own personal interest, thus endangering their psychic development. Nevertheless, from the contradictory data published by the media, there are only 8 victims. Some of the investigated persons were sent to trial. A completely unusual thing for Romania, the entire indictment was made public by the penal prosecution body, which among violating the rights to an equitable trial and the protection of the investigated persons’ private life, may be yet another element for the manipulation of public opinion.

With all the internal investigations performed by the CSM or the judiciary ones performed as a consequence to the filed complaints, the presumptive negative aspects concerning the actual development of the investigation were not cleared up. From the 55 penal complaints that were filed in May 2004, only 9 were retained in view of solving at the Prosecutor’s Office, and those for a single offence. The rest got a non-prosecution resolution, without even questioning the victims; at present, this resolution is appealed at the Supreme Court.[..]

The inefficiency of the internal investigations concerning the claimed abuses is all the more serious as Bivolaru got the asylum and then the refugee status in a foreign country. From this viewpoint, the competence or the bona fide of the Romanian bodies is seriously questioned."

The lawyers of Gregorian Bivolaru filed four applications to the European Court for Human Rights. The applications cover the violations that occurred while issuing the two arrest warrants.

The aim of this site is to present the details of the whole campaign against Gregorian Bivolaru, a man of great character, wisdom, kindness and profundity. For almost 35 years he has been the victim of obstinate, yet ungrounded, persecution, and these documents will present you with the TRUTH.

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